Dutch Organization WorkPi helps companies to remove skill gaps by measuring skills & job performance, with an open marketplace for assessments and development courses. Bitcoin.com announces their introduction of the WorkX platform.

PRESS RELEASE. Zug, Switzerland, 5 Jan 2022: For many years, getting a diploma from a university or other institution was the only way to prove you possess specific skills for a job. However, the question arises to what extent a diploma proves that a candidate is able to perform in a job. With the introduction of assessments and online development courses based on extensive scientific research, the means to measure and develop skills are increasing. This is a great innovation for both employers and employees. Employers can recruit more precisely based on the skills that are required for their specific jobs in an unbiased way. Employees also greatly benefit from this because they can find a job that fits their skill-set and preferences. Also, everybody gets a fair chance to get a job interview if personal characteristics such as age, cultural background, or gender are excluded from the matching process.
Unlocking your digital skills passport
Although assessments & development courses are a great innovation, it also introduces a new problem; several skill measurements and course certificates floating around in different online applications. Ideally, people can import every credential to a personal wallet that they can use during their entire career. Work X is using Self-Sovereign Identity and personal NFT’s that you can earn and use on the Internet of Jobs to prove you are the best candidate for the job! Because you are the sole owner of this data, you control with whom you share it.
Tokenizing your skills & achievements
Work X identifies work credentials such as diplomas, online certificates, references, peer reviews or assessment results as personal achievements. These personal achievements are linked to your digital identity using Self-Sovereign Identity, which functions as a token representing yourself; your anchor in cyberspace. Instead of losing the information related to your performance after employment, the data is stored safely in your personal wallet so it can be used to match with a new employer. This is both relevant for full-time employees who tend to give away all their data to an employer, as freelancers that only generate reviews and star ratings on gig platforms such as Amazon Mechanical Turk or UpWork.
The personal NFT’s that are generated on Work X can be ‘booked’ instead of bought by employers who need a particular skill(set) for a job. People can showcase important aspects of themselves in many situations and offer their personal NFT’s for a wide variety of jobs on the Work X platform. Offer your services to code a smart contract, write an article or design a piece of art with a single click! You decide which aspects specific target audiences get to see and make your experience matter by increasing its relevance. The Work X platform facilitates everything that is needed to enable collaboration (e.g., payrolling, reviews, matching, curation & communication).
To make sure that the personal NFT’s can be used everywhere, users are not tied to the Work X platform to prove the authenticity of their skills. Work X will function as an open platform where people can use their NFT’s to directly match with jobs.
“Daniel de Witte, CTO & Co-founder of Work X, describes that by introducing a generic standard, other projects can also leverage this technology to free their users from often contained silos. Because Work X will also offer immersive collaboration within metaverse playgrounds, this generic standard enables true metaverse travel, not only with tradable NFT’s but also with something much more personal; your identity. Being able to showcase and switch between different sets of applicable achievements, skills, or experience, for different situations, people can quickly adjust themselves to whatever metaverse-world they want to travel.”
Work X has recently successfully raised $1.8M and is about to launch the next round of its private sale. Apply for the whitelist here and to learn more about the project please visit: Website
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