Telos News
Telos Foundation Partners with Ponos Technology for Ethereum Layer 2 Development Dubai, United Arab Emirates, April 19th, 2024, Chainwire – The...
USA has 91 NFT startups which is almost 42% of the global NFT economy. is one of them with a...
Telos > The world’s fastest EVM blockchain is offering grants or investment up to $40k to stranded projects on the Terra...
The story about Telos (the project) and TLOS (the coin) is evolving more and more into a David and Goliath story...
Telos foundation welcomes The first government backed blockchain project in Germany according to Reddit. As the first blockchain to receive...
2 days ago Telos price rose, yesterday it dropped and tomorrow it might rise again. No problem, no stress when you...
Today TLOS coin dropped over 7%. Prices fluctuate. No problem if you are in it for the long run. Even better...
Telos coin rises 4% last 24 hours. Near enters local bottom while cosmos and graph approach rallies. A closely tracked crypto...
Telos announced today on Twitter the launch of “something big”. TLOS price rose 4,7% higher than the dollar in last 24...
Telos – the world fastest EVM – just finished their first Hackathon. Winner Kluest – the real world metaverse – wins...
Telos becomes green on Earth Day. New partnership wit Plannet Zero helps Telos become carbon neutral in past, present and future....
Telos shows that there are more ways to become an established independent blockchain and cryptocurrency. In this article benzinga shows how...
TLOS today’s price rose with 2,35% while the market dropped. Cryptonewsbtc published a new strategic partnership of Telos with DIA (Decentralised...
TLOS exceeded $220M market capitalization. The coin price rose on april 10th while other coins were dropping says defenseworld. Telos (TLOS)...
Crypto Trader “Altcoin Psycho” predicts the fall of “Vaporware” Ethereum Rival says dailyhodl. Luckily Telos, our/ Telosfly fav coin, is no...
Telos announces on medium their cooperation with Airlyft. The flagship product of Kyte One. Airlyft’s vision it to be a one...
Telos and BYT NFT Marketplace join forces published by benzinga. CEO of Telos says NFT affiniados will be glad to have...
Telos, Avax, Near and Harmony One are alternatives to Ethereum. What makes them special and which one is best. Speed; Transactions...
In this article published by the state of the Telos developments till Q2 2022 and vision for the (near) future...
Great tutorial on how to use 2 DEXs for easy trading by dutcheos, swapping, staking and yield farming TLOS (Telos). These...
Techbullion reports about the Telos Hackathon in progress. Deadlin of april 4th is getting near for developers to take part in...
Telos, a robust layer 1 backbone provider for Web 3.0 / Metaverse takes on virtual space in Bloktopia Benzinga, New York,...
Coinjournal published about a price rice of 120% last month. Since january 18th the price has going up 76% till date....
Last weeks and months there was a lot of positive developments to announce from Telos EVM like we covered for example... announces a 12 Million TLOS Initiative to Ignite Development on Fastest Ethereum Virtual Machine. To support development of Web3 ecosystem....
TLOS gained 229% off its January low soon after entering into several new partnerships with the release of several new DeFi...
TLOS an upstart cryptocurrency that has been cast down in value is making a starring role in the crypto market as...
This week TLOS saw a massive price increase thanks to new interest in the technology and ecosystem behind the coin.
According to Telos.Net Chief Architect Douglas Horn a.o. board members the recent board election was one of the most clean and...
Earlier this month Telos proudly reported the professionalism of their auditors of Sentnl and especially Guido Vranken. It looks like the...
Earlier this month Telos (TLOS) presented their Roadmap. Telos Webwallet 2.0, Teloscan and Telos Academy are just some of the promising... reports the election of the new 2022 board. Meet & greet on jan 18th where the members will present their...
Blockchain news reported the benefits of using Telos (TLOS) compared to competitors Cardano, Polkadot and the original Ethereum network. Telos EVM...
Telos ESG Partnerships are on 5ire Telos anounced yesterday their new partnership with 5ire. A blockchain ecosystem that, as they say,...